Cross Inscription - dificulties in drawing worn stone inscriptions
This is from Macalister, R. A. S. (1949) Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum Celticarum Vol. II. Dublin: Stationery Office.
The over score above the second letter
indicative of a letter omitted - in this case an N
Macalister has more difficulty transcribing the right hand panel than the left panel which is on the reverse of the Roseworthy cross. The characters on the second line are difficult.
The other illustrations match the small copy that is in my possession, not Macalister. Conclusion: if the copy was made from a book it wasn't Macalister (1949). Could it have been Huebner, A. (1876) Inscriptiones Britanniae Christianae.? or the 1850 illustration by F.C. Hingston below? The earlier the drawing was made the less degradation to the inscription...